2022 Health and Wellness in Burlington Talks for Your Group!
Our doctors can provide an educational format based on your company's Health and Wellness needs in Burlington. Our services and events will stimulate, educate and create a healthier company, which in turn will provide more productivity. These "edu-training" presentations and events initiate a shift in the mindset of your attendees/employees, regarding their health, moving them from passive to active. Your attendees/employees will be given the tools to not only take responsibility for their health but also create victories in their pursuit of a better life. Listed below are choices and brief descriptions of the services that might best serve your goals.
The 5 Myths About Women's Health that will Shock You
Find out the most up-to-date research on women's health. During this workshop learn counterintuitive health information that will help you solve your health problems and avoid chronic issues like heart disease and osteoporosis. Anti-aging secrets will be revealed!
Pillow Talk! Wake Feeling Refreshed and Restored
Do you wake up feeling exhausted? Are you surviving on caffeine? Sleep disorders are quickly becoming a health epidemic leading to numerous other health problems. Tired employees are not only likely to have more concurrent health problems, but they are also far less alert and productive! Learn the most common causes of sleep disorders and solutions that your employees can use to start sleeping better that night.
Outsmart Stress! Cultivating Calm in a Busy World
Put bliss on your list. No matter how busy life gets, we all have the power to relax. Over time, stress can severely damage your heart. This is why Stress is known as the "silent killer" and is the number one trigger to a heart attack. Dr. Kandyce will discuss the most common sources of stress and discuss research-proven ways to take control of your life so you can keep calm and carry on…
Jumpstart Your Metabolism and Live the Fat Burning Life
Have you hit a weight loss plateau? Feeling like your health and wellness efforts need a boost? In this presentation Dr. Kandyce will teach you about the law of Metabolic Compensation, 4 to change your metabolism, silent weight-loss killers, how the environment shapes our bodies, and solutions for maximizing our structural strength, stability, and function
Spinal Health throughout the Ages In Burlington
Our environment shapes our bodies and in this day and age, we need an action plan to avoid developing postural issues down the road. In this interactive and fun presentation, Dr. Kandyce will discuss spinal health and tips on how you can avoid age and lifestyle habit-related postural changes like "Text Neck" and "Dowager's Humps".
Optimizing Health with Essential Oils
In this workshop, you will learn about how to use oils & blends in your everyday life and routine, tips on living chemical-free, and ideas for making your own items at home. Oils will be on hand for you to sample.
Managing Holiday Stress
The holiday season can sometimes invite unwanted guests - stress, anxiety, and even depression. Many of us lose our center trying to keep up with all the activities, expectations, and demands of the holiday season. Learn how to recognize overload and the ways to prevent weight gain, sustain healthy habits and cultivate calm this holiday season!
Healthy Living to 100
Do you want to live to be 100 and beyond? It is possible! During this workshop, Dr. Kandyce will blend modern health information with the health wisdom from our planet's Centenarians. Discover the health secrets that have allowed humans to live comfortable and stress-free lives to 100 and beyond.
For more information, please contact: (781) 365-0400 or info@hpchiropractic.com
8:00am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 6:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
High Point Chiropractic
83 Cambridge Street #1b
Burlington, MA 01803